(校园广播稿)You Are Our Safest Harbor Forever

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您永远是最安全的港湾You Are Our Safest Harbor Forever-- 献给父亲-- For My Father

您是 一条河 流转着岁月 诉说 四季的沧桑

You are A river Year in and year out Revealing the seasons' vicissitude

您是 一片海 擎起了太阳 放飞 天空的翅膀

You are A sea That raises the Sun And releases the wings of the Sky

您是 一座山 坚韧起脊梁 挺拔大地的芬芳

You are A mountain With your tenacious backbone Straightening the fragrance of the Earth

朦胧时 您是那巍峨的峻岭 坐在您的肩头 总能看的很远、很远

When I was a little kidYou were a majestic cliff Sitting on your shoulders I could always see scenes far, far away

长大时 您是一棵倔强的弯松 这才发现 我们的分量这样重,这样重

After growing up I have realized that you are a stubborn curvy pine And discovered that Our weight was such heavy, so heavy

而现在 父亲啊 您是一首深沉的诗 儿女默默的读 泪轻轻的流……

But at present My father You are a profound poem With your children reading you in silence And shedding tears gently

那风曾吹裂了山石 那雨曾锈蚀了钢铁 却不曾摧垮您那唯一的信念 -- 家人幸福

The wind once cracked stones on mountains The rain once rusted iron and steel But they never demolished your sole faith --The happiness of our family

岁月已匆匆流逝 昔日强健的身躯 如今在风雨中,却不停地微颤 脚步也已不听使唤 眼睛早已被泪水俘虏 当我来到您的身边 扑到在您的怀中 看清了 , 我看清了 那是一张带着温恬的笑容 能够包容一切的面孔 那是一张需要 我们一生去感恩的面孔

Time passes so quickly Gone is your strong stature of old days Now you cannot help trembling in wind or rain Your footsteps do not always follow your mind Your eyes are prisoners of your tears When I arrive at your side And throwing myself into your arms I can see clearly your warm and quiet smile And the face worth our gratitude for the whole life

忘不了,父子天伦嬉戏 忘不了,儿女夜归时,您额上的担忧 忘不了,您骑车载送我上学的背影 忘不了,您为儿女求医问药的多方奔走 ……

Never will we forget, the happy time we shared Never will we forget, the worry on your forehead when we children returning late at the night Never will we forget, your carrying me to my school every day on your bike Never will we forget, your trying every means possible to seek for us medical help … …

春风化雨,您没有母亲的温柔 秋月朗明,您把柔情深藏心底 在您的羽翼下,我蠢蠢地,振翅欲飞 您陪伴我在世间风雨中激扬豪情

In the spring wind, you did not have the tender care as my mother offered But under the autumn moon, you concealed your supple affection deep in your heart Under your wings, I fluttered to learn to fly And you accompanied me to brave the world, in wind and rain

无论万水千山,即使风霜阅尽 鸟倦还巢之时,在儿女心中 您永远是最安全的港湾

Wherever we are, or even after experiencing all winds and frosts Even when all birds are tired and ready to return to their nests In the hearts of your children Forever you are our safest har