Do you come from the deep sky or from the abyss, O Beauty? Your look, infernal and divine, Confuses good deeds and crimes, and for this You have been compared with wine.
你究竟是来自青天,还是出自深渊? 啊,美!你的目光,阴沉而超凡脱俗, 将恩慈和罪孽交融在一起洒向人间, 为了这样的缘故,真可以把你不作玉液琼浆。
You retain in your eye the sun's rise and decline, You strew perfume like an evening stormy and wild, Your amphoral mouthed kiss is a potion so fine It turns a hero into a coward, and makes courageous a child.
你把夕阳和曙光包容在你的眼神中, 你象风暴中的黑夜一般散发出香味; 你的亲吻就是春药,你的嘴就是那圆颈的药瓮, 使得英雄沦为懦夫,又把儿童变的胆大妄为。
Have you risen from the black maw or descended from the stars? Charmed destiny trails your petticoat like a Dalmatian; You randomly seed both joy and disaster And you govern all but respond to none.
你究竟是来自星空,还是出自黑色的旋涡? 着迷的命运象条狗似的尾随着你的衬裙; 你随意地撒播欢乐和灾祸, 主宰一切,却从不负责。
You step on the dead as you mock them, Beauty; Horror is but one of your charming fripperies And Murder, among your most beloved jewelry Dances on your proud breast amorous and slippery.
你镇定自若地践踏着足下的牺牲品,啊,美! 恐惧在你的宝饰中闪闪发光; 而凶杀,伴着你最心爱的珠宝 在你骄傲的肚皮上,翩然起舞!
The ephemeral May fly crosses your candle, Crackles, ignites and thinks: "Bless this blaze!" The lover bent over his magical belle Has the air of one dying, caressing his grave.
眼花缭乱的蜉蝣不过一切地向你地烛芯飞去,它的躯体 在火中劈啪作响,却依旧说,“容我为这火光祝福!” 憔悴的爱人疯魔般地扑向他那不可思议的美人, 仿佛一名垂死者在绝望中轻抚自己的坟墓。
That you come from heaven or hell, who cares? O Beauty! For you, artless and frightful monster, I send! If your eye, your smile, your feet, open the door To an Infinity I love but can never comprehend.
朴实而又令人惶恐的怪物,啊,美! 只要你的眼眸,你的微笑,或是你的双足,展现的 是那我所憧憬却又从不明了的无穷, 你究竟是来自地狱还是天堂,又有什么要紧?
Of Satan or God, Angel or Fiend, Who cares? As long as you transcend — O fairy with velvet eyes Rhythmic, fragrant, glittering, my one unique queen! — This hideous universe, the heaviness of time.
天使还是迷人的海妖,啊,美!和谐,芬芳,明亮 只要你能够 — 啊,我唯一的女王! 使这丑恶的世界,这沉重的光阴得到改变, 你是来自撒旦,还是出自上帝,又有什么要紧?
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